Zero gravity diving Bali is a friendly team of professionals with great knowledge of marine life and all dive sites in Bali, as well as all the attractions that can be part of your visit to the island of the Gods. In accordance to your wishes, we can offer you everything you need during your stay. From organizations of all transports, accommodation, diving, snorkeling and land tours around Bali.
+62 821-4650-4530


Bali scuba diving with Sea Turtles of Indonesia

The Majestic Sea Turtles of Indonesia

The Majestic Sea Turtles of Indonesia: An Unforgettable Encounter

Exploring the Big Six of Indonesia’s Sea Worlds

Indonesia is home to six of the seven global sea turtle species. The impressive list includes the Green turtle (Chelonia mydas), famous from online videos, the stunning hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricate), the unique olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), the colossal leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), the flatback sea turtle (Natator depressus), and the familiar loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta). Indonesia’s sea turtles don’t merely survive, they thrive.

Life’s a Beach for these Age-Old Nomads

Sea turtles are remarkable survivors. These ancient mariners have lived millions of years. They lead migratory lives, covering thousands of kilometers from nesting points to foraging grounds. Despite such jet-setting lifestyles, most of their hours are underwater. But an interesting paradox exists.

Every two to four years, female sea turtles swap sea life for sand. They hit the beach four to seven times, laying hundreds of eggs each visit. These mother nature warriors burrow into the beach, hiding their precious eggs from predators.

A Hard-start Life

Following an incubation period of 45 to 60 days, a challenging journey begins. Sea turtle hatchlings finally break free from their shells, and instinctively embark on their maiden voyage back to the sea. Regrettably, survival rates are dismal. Experts reveal that from every 1,000 hatchlings, only one prevails to adulthood. A minuscule 1-2% of eggs survive this harsh reality of nature.

Zero Gravity Diving – Bali

Exploring the underwater cosmos with these Indonesia sea turtles is a matchless experience. The turtles add enchantment to the already magical world beneath our seas. You don’t need to venture far to witness these incredible beings. Plan a trip with Zero Gravity Diving in Bali, where you can witness their majesty firsthand.

Sea Turtles of Indonesia facing survivor’s tribulations, are truly unforgettable. Their grace, endurance, and sheer beauty will leave you mesmerized. Remember, only the lucky ones get to meet a sea turtle, for Nature shares her secrets not with the faint-hearted but with those who dare to explore and respect her kingdom.

Visit our Instagram pages for the best underwater images and learn about Bali’s diversity of sea life.

Contact Us for Scuba diving in Bali

Branko Milovanovic
Manager / PADI MSDT #279801
Mob / WA:+62 821 4650 4530
Office Tel: +62 361 4720 338

Zero Gravity Diving,

Jalan Sekuta No.40, Sanur
Denpasar, 80228 Bali, Indonesia

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